ISBN: 978-1-64479-054-0
Type: One Act
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Zombies, Vampires, Twilight Zone, Apocalypse, Love & Romance
Duration: 35 minutes
Speaking Cast: 3 females, 1 male, 4 either (8 total cast)
Flexibility: gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: Whitney is great at “what ifs.” She’s always inventing scenarios in which she explains to her friend, Kendra, “What if this happened?” Or “What if that happened?” To Kendra, it’s like watching a blooper reel as they imagine what would happen next. After recreating what would happen if they tripped a random stranger in the park, Whitney discovers that she’s lost her keys. In order to find them, they decide to use her repeating “what if” skills to recreate the day in real life by retracing their steps exactly how they happened. But soon, real life and the “what if” fantasy collide, which leads to hot peppers, vomiting, romance, and of course, a zombie apocalypse.
Seminole Middle School Junior Thespians PLANTATION, FL
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