ISBN: 978-1-61588-263-2
Type: Duet
Genre: Comedy
Theme: Relationships
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male (2 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: The elevator lurches to a halt, trapping two complete strangers alone together. Aside from both of them searching for a way out, the two don't seem to have anything in common...or do they?
Pennfield High School Battle Creek, MI DePaul College Prep Chicago, IL Sutton High School Sutton, NE St Agnes Academy Houston, TX DHS Durant, OK Paxton Consolidated Schools Paxton, NE
Riverdale High School Port Byron, IL Hastings St. Cecilia High School Hastings, NE Bartlett High School Bartlett, IL Irion County High School Mertzon, TX Pelham High School Pelham, GA Joshua Christian Academy Joshua, TX Axtell Community School Axtell, NE Klein ISD Klein, TX The Village School Houston, TX Mater Academy las vegas, NV Tiftarea Academy Chula, GA Northwest PA Collegiate Academy Erie, PA Sullivan Central High School Blountville, TN RTR High School Tyler, MN USD205 Leon, KS Holdrege High School Speech Holdrege, NE Tri-Valley High School Downs, IL Holy Innocents' Episcopal School Atlanta, GA Texas Lutheran University San Antonio, TX Ainsworth High School Ainsworth, NE CHS Theatre Carrboro, NC University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA Holy Family Catholic Academy Aiea, HI Myra Green Middle School Raymondville, TX School Mohave Valley, AZ Wagner Community School Wagner, SD Dunlap High School Dunlap, IL Morgan Arts Council Berkeley Springs, WV Trinity Christian High School Lubbock, TX Lockport Township High School Lockport, IL Tex Hill San Antonio, TX Independence High School Columbus, OH
Trapped by Scott Haan debuted at the Red Barn Summer Theatre in Frankfort, IN on August 2, 2010. With only two actors, no set, and extremely minimal prop and costume requirements, it's a very simple show to stage anywhere. If you enjoyed Trapped, check out Scott Haan's full-length comedy Mind Over Matt.
Red Barn Summer Theatre (IN) Red Barn Summer Theatre (IN) Red Barn Summer Theatre (IN)
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