ISBN: 978-1-60003-709-2
Type: One Act
Genres: Comedy, Parody
Themes: Zombies, Vampires, Twilight Zone, Death, Conflict
Duration: 15 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male, 3 either (5 total cast)
Flexibility: gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: We know the dangers of the walking dead, but what about the dead that just sit around? Well, they’re getting bored, verryyyy bored. When one of them decides he can’t… uh… live like this any longer, he joins up with a group of zombies who are decidedly more active. Turns out humanity isn’t going to take things lying down. Now who’s in danger – the living… or the dead?
Town School
San Francisco, CA
Anderson County High School
Garnett, KS
Gackle-Streeter Public School
Gackle, ND
Rye Cove High School
Duffield, VA
Ankeny High School Large Group Speech
Ankeny, IA
Belmond-Klemme JrSr High School
Belmond, IA
Reedy Point Players, Delaware City, DE, 2015.
Reedy Point Players, Delaware City, DE, 2015.
Gackle Streeter Public Schools in Gackle, ND
Gackle Streeter Public Schools in Gackle, ND
Gackle Streeter Public Schools in Gackle, ND
Gackle Streeter Public Schools in Gackle, ND
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$7.00 $0.00
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$12.75 $0.00
eAudition Monologue
$1.99 $0.00
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$30.00 $0.00
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$30.00 $0.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights
$30.00 $0.00
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$0.30 $0.00
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