ISBN: 978-1-60003-978-2
Types: Full Length, Dinner Theatre
Genres: Comedy, Farce
Themes: Play Within A Play, Writing, Acting Experience & Theatrics
Duration: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 6 females, 5 males (11 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Less than twenty-four hours before the opening of their dinner theater show, the cast of Wine, Cheese, and Murder learns their director has been arrested for plagiarism. Left without a script, the cast decides there is only thing to do... quit! But contracts have been signed, tickets sold, food purchased, and important guests invited. The show’s producer, an amateur playwright with more ego than talent, decides this will be her moment of glory. The show will go on! And everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Every actor who has feared being in a show that has disaster written all over it, The Show Can’t Go On (But it Must!) is that nightmare come true.
Kenai Performers Kenai, AK DuBois Area High School Du Bois, PA VIP Drama Club Rio Vista, CA Blacksburg High School Blacksburg, VA
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