ISBN: 978-1-60003-727-6
Type: Monologue
Genre: Drama
Themes: Psychology, Crime, Emotional Distress
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female (1 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: How do you recover from an unfathomable tragedy? Shana has been sent to a psychiatrist by her father in order to "get back to some sense of normalcy" after her mother's violent murder. Though she wishes she could remain silent, her bottled up emotions come pouring out as she battles with her feelings of anger, grief, and honest bewilderment. How can she possibly feel normal in any way when she loves her mother's murderer? This thought-provoking dramatic monologue is perfect for a challenging forensic competition piece.
Winterset High School
Winterset, IA
Southwest Valley High School
Corning, IA
Treynor High School
Treynor, IA
Richmond Hill High School Drama Club
Richmond Hill, GA
Mankato West Speech Team
Mankato, MN
Chapman High School USD 473
Chapman, KS
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