ISBN: 978-1-60003-404-6
Type: One Act
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Themes: Nature, Personifications, Social Status
Duration: 30 minutes
Speaking Cast: 8 either (8 total cast)
Flexibility: gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: The worst thing about being a distinguished flower, such as a Poppy, is that there is no privacy. No escape. You can't get away from those other annoying plants, especially the ones who think there is no difference between being a truly magnificent plant, such as a Poppy, and that of a common weed. But worse than that are the insects. And the worst insects of all are the bees...the killer bees.
Alton R-IV Alton, MO Alton Schools Alton, MO Central High School corinth, ME Central High School Corinth, ME Appomattox County Public High School Appomattox, VA SeDoMoCha Middle School Dover-Foxcroft, ME
PVADS Youth Theatre Wiltshire, United Kingdom
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