ISBN: 978-1-60003-654-5
Type: Duet
Genres: Drama, Comedy
Themes: Bullying, Death, Afterlife & Angels
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male (2 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Derek has had enough. At 17 years old, he has suffered heartbreak, the loss of a parent, bullying at school, and a thousand other natural shocks of life, so he has decided to go to the old railroad trestle in his town and jump off into the Great Unknown. That's when he meets Kelly, an Angel-in-training, who has been sent to keep him from taking that final leap. Kelly means well, and is (mostly) pleasant, but VERY new at her job, and her methods are best described as unorthodox. This comedy-drama is a perfect piece for forensics competitions or an evening of short plays!
Acadiana High School Youngsville, LA Ada high school Ada, OK Mercer High School Mercer, PA School Beatrice, NE Round Rock Christian Academy Round Rock, TX USD 489 Hays, KS
Rush Springs Public Schools. - Drama Club Director Rush Springs, OK Tri-City United High School Montgomery, MN Oakes Public Schools Oakes, ND Exeter-Milligan Public Schools Exeter, NE Forensics Williamsburg, VA Southwest R-5 School District Washburn, MO Piedmont High School Piedmont, OK SFCMS Forensics Team Fayetteville, NC Wolf Point High School Drama Wolf Point, MT Wilber-Clatonia High School Wilber, NE LHNE Norfolk, NE speech Auburn, WY Adrienne C. Nelson Happy Valley, OR Brown Summit Middle School Brown summit, NC Telfair County High School McRae-Helena, GA Kiowa County High School Greensburg, KS NC speech and debate Casper, WY Centennial High School Utica, NE Baker Public Schools Baker, MT Wimberley High School Wimberley, TX TWHS Theater The Woodlands, TX MCHS Debate Hyrum, UT Fair Grove Schools Fair Grove, MO Lafayette High School Saint Joseph, MO None Elko, NV Canby Public Schools Canby, MN Norfolk Catholic High School Norfolk, NE Williston Trinity Christian school williston, ND Gackle-Streeter Public School Gackle, ND Anchor Bay High School Fair Haven, MI Stevens HS Speech Debate Team Rapid City, SD University City High school Florissant, MO Tioga High School Tioga, ND New Salem-Almont High School New Salem, ND
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