ISBN: 978-1-60003-321-6
Type: Full Length
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Scheming, Cooperation, Friendship
Duration: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 4 females, 5 males, 5 either (14 total cast)
Flexibility: 0-10 extras, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: There's Bobo the Pathetic Clown, whose name pretty much says it all; Leo, the tightrope walker, who's afraid of heights; the bearded lady, who is cleanly shaven; and the fat man, who's gone on a diet . . .and these are the good acts. Unless the Beeblebrox and Bixley Traveling Circus and Sideshow can do the impossible in only three days, unless they can put on a show so good it will impress a world-renowned circus critic, then they will be forced to close their tent flaps forever. Come one, come all, to The Beeblebrox and Bixley Traveling Circus and Sideshow.
Decatur Community Sr High School Oberlin, KS Nasson Center Redevelopment Inc Springvale, ME Salt Fork High School Catlin, IL Effingham High School Effingham, IL LaCrosse High School LaCrosse, IN Sparta Academy Evergreen, AL
Heber Theatre Heber Springs, AR
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