ISBN: 978-1-93096-140-1
Type: Duet
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Law Enforcement & Prison, Mistaken Identity, Love & Romance
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male (2 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Muggings are up in the city, and they need someone to go undercover and stop the recent rash of petty crimes. When a policeman, undercover as a lady, meets up with gorgeous Melanie, the results are outrageous!
Galva Holstein HS Holstein, IA Platte County High School Platte City, MO Wyndmere Speech Wyndmere, ND Sabetha High School Drama Sabetha, KS Francis Howell Central High School Saint Charles, MO GACC West Point, NE
St.James High School Speech and Debate St.James, MO Shelby-Rising City School Shelby, NE Burwell Public Schools Ord, NE Eisenhower Middle School San Antonio, TX Sutton High School Speech Sutton, NE Midway High School Kingston, TN Palatine High School Palatine, IL Madill High School Madill, OK Howards Grove High School Howards Grove, WI Creighton Community School Creighton, NE Lowery Freshman Center Allen, TX Chinook Schools Chinook, MT St. Patrick's Catholic High School Sarnia, ON, Canada Red Lodge High School Red Lodge, MT Jordan Valley Schools Jordan Valley, OR TMP-Marian High School Hays, KS Hereford High School Speech Hereford, TX Dark Horse Books Driggs, ID Aberdeen Roncalli High School Aberdeen, SD Baker Middle School Corpus Christi, TX Union High School Vancouver, WA Orchard Public School Orchard, NE Stuart Public School Stuart, NE Tri County Schools DeWitt, NE Velva Speech Velva, ND Franklin Central School Franklin, NY Carrington High School Carrington, ND Galesburg High School Galesburg, IL Roncalli Catholic High School Omaha, NE Durham Academy Speech and Debate Durham, NC Morgan County R-I Stover, MO Seneca High School Seneca, IL Oak Hill High School Converse, IN Eastside Jr Sr HS St. Joe, IN
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