ISBN: 978-1-93100-002-4
Type: Monologue
Genre: Drama
Themes: Death, Zombies, Vampires, Twilight Zone, Guilt
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female (1 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Guilt, loneliness, and longing are all raw human emotions and struggles. But what if you're not quite human? Explore the inner turmoil in the life of a vampire.
Mobridge-Pollock School District Mobridge, SD LTHS Speech Lockport, IL Caldwell Parish High School Columbia, LA Prairie High School Cedar Rapids, IA Pierce Speech Pierce, NE Sherrard Middle School Wheeling, WV
Titusville High School Drama Dept Titusville, FL Madelcar Academy Dorado, PR Altavista High School Forensics Altavista, VA Surrey Public School Surrey, ND Miller School Dist. #29-4 Miller, SD North Border Walhalla Walhalla, ND Hesston High School Hesston, KS EDGAR HIGH SCHOOL Edgar, WI Elmwood Speech Team Elmwood, IL Winchester High School Pittsfield, IL Banner County School Harrisburg, NE Troy District 30 Plainfield, IL Peshtigo Middle High School Peshtigo, WI Guardian Angels Central Catholic West Point, NE Oakwood High School Dayton, OH Miller School Dist. #29-4 MIller, SD Corpus Christi High School Oak Flats, Australia Promise Academy New Providence, IA Rye Cove High School Duffield, VA Dighton High School Dighton, KS Central Valley Public School Buxton, ND Elkhorn Public Schools Elkhorn, NE Turtle Mountain High School Belcourt, ND Pinole Valley Forensics Vallejo, CA Nebraska Lutheran High School Waco, NE Renner Middle School Garland, TX CIMATEC Forensic Team Caguas, PR Nimitz Academy San Antonio, TX Velva Speech Velva, ND Hoven School District 53-2 Hoven, SD Tex Hill Middle School San Antonio, TX High School Lamar, MO Hobart High School Hobart, OK
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