ISBN: 978-1-60003-389-6
Type: Full Length
Genres: Comedy, Classics
Themes: Classic Adaptations, Haunted, Family
Duration: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 9 females, 5 males, 7 either (21 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: A rambunctious American family buys a haunted manor in England. But they don't mind... they don't believe in ghosts. As the ghost tries to scare the Americans out of his home, he finds the tables are turned—he is being terrorized by the children in the family! A spooky comedy with some zany scenes, Oscar Wilde's story is also a sweet tale of the power of love.
Pulaski Fine Arts Association Waynesville, MO Becker Public Schools Becker, MN Catalina Foothills High School Tucson, AZ Ghost light Bullhead City, AZ wootton country players Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Dixon R-1 School Dixion, MO
Woodside High School Woodside, CA Corinth Theatre arts Inc. corinth, MS Istanbul Erkek Lisesi Cagaloglu Istanbul, Turkey Pueblo County School Dist 70 Pueblo West, CO Missouri Valley High School Missouri Valley, IA Children's Theatre of Annapolis Arnold, MD St. Thomas Theater group Ann Arbor, MI Elkhart Civic Theatre Bristol, IN Young Actors Project Santa Monica, CA Gilman Middle School Baltimore, MD West Liberty Salem Dramatics Society West LIbery, OH Milbank High School Milbank, SD Westchester Civic Theatre Oak Park, IL HSC Thespians Ypsilanti, MI Buffalo High School Buffalo, WV Chatfield High School Chatfield, MN Lincoln High School Lincoln, CA Freehold High School Freehold, NJ Pickens High School Pickens, SC Robidoux Middle School St. Joseph, MO Union Colony Schools Greeley, CO Fairfield High School Fairfield, TX Edison Middle School Wheaton, IL
Phipps Center for the Arts (WI); Photo by Rick Fields St. Andrew's Players (VA) St. Andrew's Players (VA) by Claudia Haas, St. Andrew's Players (VA) St. Andrew's Players (VA)
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