ISBN: 978-1-60003-277-6
Types: One Act, Holiday
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Themes: Christmas, Women, Family
Duration: 40 minutes
Speaking Cast: 8-11 females, 0-3 males (8-14 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: With hip lingo and fun subject matter, these four 10-15 minute holiday skits for teens/preteens use 2-4 characters each, and may be presented together or individually and require little or no set-up time or props. 1. The Christmas Play: Three friends audition for their school's production only to find that the "teacher's pet" that didn't audition got the best part! 2. A Present for Mom: Two sisters discover not only that they bought their mom the exact same perfume, but that the present stinks! 3. Christmas Crush: Friends are at a Christmas party when one discovers to her horror that her "Secret Santa Admirer" might be the nerdiest kid in school! 4. Letter to Santa: A babysitter realizes that two kids have taken Christmas song lyrics way too literally! (This cast can be male.)
Port Aransas High School
Port Aransas, TX
TAG Theater
Raceland, LA
Ogemaw Heights High School
West Branch, MI
Rivera Middle School
Pico Rivera, CA
Pine Island High School
Pine Island, MN
North Myrtle Beach High School
Little River, SC
Product Price Qty Total
$7.00 $0.00
Notebook Script
$12.75 $0.00
Performance Royalty
$50.00 $0.00
Limited Video Rights
$30.00 $0.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights
$30.00 $0.00
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$0.30 $0.00
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