ISBN: 978-1-60003-240-0
Type: One Act
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Fairy Tale, Magic, Life Lessons & Experiences
Duration: 55 minutes
Speaking Cast: 13 females, 2 males, 7 either (22 total cast)
Flexibility: 0-5 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: Two witches, Barfette and Hurlish, live with their little witch nephews, Snarfel, Snoggle and Snitch, near the castle of Gems. They tell the story of the seven Princesses, all of whom desperately want to marry Prince John, and will stop at nothing to ruin each other's chances. The Princesses each secretly visit the witches and cast spells against each other. Princess Ruby's face freezes into a phony smile, Amethyst's melodious voice croaks like a frog, and would-be ballerina Princess Emerald can't stop dancing like a chicken. The nephews, learning a valuable lesson from the witches' peril, become helpful and seek to undo the spells. A fun, clever play for middle school or elementary, with lots of stage time for everyone.
Ardmore High School
Ardmore, OK
Twelve Bridges Middle School
Lincoln, CA
Knox Jr. High Drama
Spring, TX
Timberview Middle School
Fort Worth, TX
Colorado ACTS
Wheat Ridge, CO
Uniontown Area High School
Uniontown, PA
"The Seven Nasty Princesses by Edith Weiss was a rousing success. The students picked their own costumes (colors to match jewels), designed backdrops and programs and even helped direct a bit. It was truly a student led process from the day they voted on this show. (needed this one with more girls in drama club than boys this fall). We made one fourth of our stage the WITCHES LAIR with fireplace and cauldron pot and the rest of stage right was our CASTLE OF GEMS. A nice funny 40 minute show enjoyed by adults and kindergarteners alike. QUOTE FROM A FELLOW TEACHER 'The best production you have done at Holston so far'"
By Steve Humphrey - Director - Holston Middle School Forensics Team
"Witty dialogue, good slapstick and physical comedy, and just the right amount of memorization for middle school students…very lively and successful show."
By Sharilyn Ledahl, Drama Coach, Isanti Middle School, Isanti, MN
I was asked to write a play that had mainly girls' parts. I came up with the Seven Nasty Princesses, and then rewrote it so more parts could be played by either sex. The witches, for example. The play is about the Princesses' obsession with hair, makeup, and beauty - the maid gets the Prince because of her character, not the trappings of beauty. A school here in Colorado played a couple of the princess parts with boys- they wrote me to say it added a whole different comedic dimension. There's lots of physical comedy in this one. The witches don't need another set-they can be put on a different level, or played on one side of the stage, or they can be isolated with lights. Lots of lines for everyone in this.
Campus Middle School
Campus Middle School
Campus Middle School
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