ISBN: 978-1-60003-900-3
Type: Duet
Genre: Drama
Themes: Transition, Friendship, Decisions
Duration: 5 minutes
Speaking Cast: 2 females (2 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Two best-friends-forever are growing up and in different directions. Alexa thinks she’s ready for a more “grown-up” life. Maddie wants to hold on to her childhood a little longer.
Kimball Schools ISD 739 Kimball, MN Speech Coach Walcott, ND BSD Bozeman, MT Norfolk Senior High School Norfolk, NE D155 Crystal Lake, IL Rush Springs Public Schools. - Drama Club Director Rush Springs, OK
Carrollton R-7 Senior High Carrollton, MO Taos High School Ranchos De Taos, NM John Hersey High School ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL USD 489 Hays, KS Sidney High School Sidney, MT Princeton High School Princeton, MN Northwood Middle School Taylors, SC Oakes Public Schools Oakes, ND FCAHS Speech and Debate Pittsburgh, PA Central DeWitt High School Delmar, IA Glenbard South High School Glen Ellyn, IL CHS Speech Team Cambridge, NE Oak Lawn Community High School Oak Lawn, IL Belfield Public School Belfield, ND Metea Valley High School Aurora, IL Elmwood Speech Team Elmwood, IL Sherrard Middle School Wheeling, WV Clear Creek Amana Tiffin, IA Dunlap Highschool IHSA Speech Dunlap, IL Stevens HS Speech Debate Team Rapid City, SD The Village School Houston, TX Ovilla Christian School Ovilla, TX Milford Speech Team Milford, NE Mandan High School Mandan, ND South Platte High School Big Springs, NE Peshtigo Middle High School Peshtigo, WI Sioux Center CSD Sioux Center, IA Columbia High School Meridian, ID Winchester High School Pittsfield, IL BISD Purchasing Borger, TX Brookville High School Forensics Lynchburg, VA DePaul College Prep Chicago, IL Kimberly Speech Kimberly, ID Sullivan Central High School Blountville, TN
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