ISBN: 978-1-60003-203-5
Type: One Act
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Divorce, Women, Death
Duration: 20 minutes
Speaking Cast: 6 females, 1 male (7 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Five very different women have come from all around the United States to be at the bedside of Brandon LaPorte in an intensive care unit. They have one thing in common—they married him. Lisa is the host of a local TV talk show who is never surprised when people recognize her. Edie married Brandon twice and would marry him a third time if she could. Jen is an aerobics teacher whose nervous energy has burned all the fat off her body. Pam is so smart that she can't figure out how she was dumb enough to fall for Brandon. And Rosemary is a saint—everybody says so. All crammed into the little hospital room, they agree, "When a man says you're too good for him, believe him!"
Terre Haute South Theatre
Terre Haute, IN
Kellam High School
Virginia Beach, VA
Plantation theatrical group
Leesburg, FL
Alcazar Theatre
Carpinteria, CA
Forest City Community Schools
Forest City, IA
Sunray ISD
Sunray, TX
"…a lot of good reviews on the wives, their contrasting personalities, and the humorous intermingling of characters. Oh, and of course, the laugh-out-loud ending was a nice touch. Any girl who’s ever loved a jerk can relate to this play."
By Rachel Lee - Drama Director - Drayton Public School, Drayton, ND
Five Ex-Wives in ICU by Linda Thorsen Bond (left to Right) Susan Cox, Dr. Kelly Moon,...
by Linda Thornsen Bond
Five Ex-Wives in ICU by Linda Thorsen Bond (left to Right) Susan Cox, Dr. Kelly Moon,...
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