New Rockford - Sheyenne School District
New Rockford, ND
Benton High School
Saint Joseph, MO
McBride Secondary School
McBride, BC, Canada
Fairmount Public School
Fairmount, ND
The inspiration for a 10-minute duo script called MIKEY MARTIN'S MAGNIFICENT MIASMA OF MAYHEM AND MACARONI hit me rather hard early on a December morning. Large chunks of it were fleshed out in my mind almost instantaneously. I was ready to sit down and write the script then and there, and I would have, except for one terrible thing. I had to go to work. And work that day killed my sudden burst of inspiration and momentum. I did get a little bit of a start, though. That start sat on my hard drive until I had time to come back to it in February. During that two-month gap, the idea for MIKEY MARTIN'S MAGNIFICENT MIASMA OF MAYHEM AND MACARONI had time to percolate in my brain and expanded from a 10-minute duo into a one-act. Maybe having to go to work on that December morning wasn't such a terrible thing after all.
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