ISBN: 978-1-60003-846-4
Type: One Act
Genres: Drama, Ensemble Cast
Themes: Social Status, Social Issues, Death
Duration: 45 minutes
Speaking Cast: 7 females, 8 males (15 total cast)
Flexibility: 0-15 extras
SYNOPSIS: Ray Murphy, the student at Capital High School no one really knew or liked, has died. As the news sweeps across campus, suddenly the kid no one remembers has a school full of best friends grieving his passing. Within days of his death, Ray is posthumously transformed into a scholar and a savior, has the yearbook dedicated to him, and is elected prom king from the grave. He's now the most popular kid in school… who isn't in school anymore. With multilayered characters and realistic, truthful dialogue, The Most Popular Kid In School examines the issues of popularity, how the caste system in high school really works, and our tendencies toward “I knew him!” when it will benefit us the most. This is a great play for young performers who want to flex their acting muscles.
Gettysburg School Gettysburg, SD Bellingham High School Drama Club Bellingham, MA Sidney Lanier High School Theatre Department Austin, TX
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