ISBN: 978-1-93240-408-1
Type: Monologue
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Acting Experience & Theatrics, Betrayal, Embarrassment
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 either (1 total cast)
Flexibility: gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: The leading lady ascends to her role by incapacitating several of the other actors, which prompts the cast of this high school play to take brutal revenge on the Queen of England! (Or at least the girl playing her.) Our speaker, all too triumphant from that plot's success, goes blank on a spotlighted monologue—a long, cumbersome, badly written poem reminiscent of a white elephant: something nobody needs but can't ever get rid of. Will we ever hear this monologue, or is our speaker going to be beheaded by the evil queen?
ELC High School- Jo Lutz Estherville, IA Union Grove HS Forensics Union Grove, WI ISD 690 Warroad, MN CENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL Reynolds, ND North Bend Central High School North Bend, NE Waynflete school Portland, ME
Stevens HS Speech Debate Team Rapid City, SD The Lexington School Lexington, KY Oakes High School Oakes, ND Westmont Hilltop High School Forensics Johnstown, PA NSW Dept of Education Wollongbar, Australia Fresta Valley Christian Schhol Warrenton, VA CGBHS Cedar Grove, WI Tex Hill Middle School San Antonio, TX South Sioux City High School Speech Team South Sioux CIty, NE St. Bernard Pittsburgh, PA Gray's Creek Middle School Forensics Team Hope Mills, NC Speech Papillion, NE Calgary French and International School Calgary, AB, Canada Buffalo Community Middle School Buffalo, MN East St. Louis Senior High School Dorsey, IL Valley Center High School Valley Center, KS emmett high school emmett, ID DeForest H.S. Drama Club DeForest, WI Spearville High School Spearville, KS Stratford High School Stratford, WI Acadiana High School Lafayette, LA PCA Speech and Debate Deatsville, AL Los Alamos High School Los Alamos, NM Reid Ross Classical School Fayetteville, NC Meridian High School Boise, ID Orono High School Speech Team Edina, MN Oklahoma centennial HS oklahoma City, OK SE Bullock Brooklet, GA ALBIA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH ALBIA, IA Lakewood High School Denver, CO Tioga Public School Tioga, ND Baker Middle School Corpus Christi, TX St Joseph Speech Team Seattle, WA
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