ISBN: 978-1-61588-288-5
Type: One Act
Genres: Comedy, Farce
Theme: Writing
Duration: 35 minutes
Speaking Cast: 5-9 females, 2-8 males, 3-15 either (10-32 total cast)
Flexibility: 1-100 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: Michael stands alone on stage before an impatient audience, trying desperately to dramatize his lackluster existence. With the help of a madcap playwright, his life story is suddenly populated with exaggerated stock characters of every sort. One by one, the humdrum people in his life are replaced by pirates and princes, gunslingers and psychics, clowns and rappers. There's even a Greek chorus along for the ride. As this play-within-a-play unfolds, and with a little help from William Shakespeare himself, Michael begins to realize his life is only as dull as he allows it to be. The gender flexible cast, with roles large and small, is perfect for any size group looking for a comic showstopper.
Pine Forest High School Fayetteville, NC Renert Calgary, AB, Canada Fire mountain arts council Glenoma, WA Monroe Middle School Eugene, OR Lenoir City High School lenoir City, TN The New School Fayetteville, AR
Pine Creek High School Colorado Springs, CO Deer Valley High School Glendale, AZ Alcorn Central High School Glen, MS Delta Middle School Delta, CO Brewer Middle School ACTS Program Greenwood, SC ADM High School Adel, IA Mooresville High School MOORESVILLE, NC Holy Innocents' Episcopal School Atlanta, GA Lake Jooondalup Baptist College Joondalup, Australia Ballard CSD Huxley, IA Lanesboro Public Schools Lanesboro, MN Sierra Vista Middle School Covina, CA WPHS Drama Whittemore, MI Riverview High School Riverview, FL North Polk School Alleman, IA Centennial High School Las Vegas, NV Oakland-Craig Schools Oakland, NE Magnet Academy of Culture Arts Opelousas, LA Owensboro HS OWENSBORO, KY Renert School Calgary, AB, Canada Seguin High School Theatre Seguin, TX Rex Putnam HS Theatre Milwaukie, OR Hartford High School White River Junction, VT The Classical Academy High School Colorado Springs, CO Hermiston High School Hermiston, OR Warman High School Warman, SK, Canada Cupar school Cupar, SK, Canada Newberg High School newberg, OR St. James High School Murrells Inlet, SC Great Plains Lutheran High School Watertown, SD
Hutchinson High School Hutchinson High School by Bradley Hayward, Hutchinson High School (MN) Hutchinson High School Hutchinson High School Hutchinson High School Grand Manan Community School Grand Manan Community School Grand Manan Community School Grand Manan Community School Grand Manan Community School Grand Manan Community School Grand Manan Community School Hutchinson High School Hutchinson High School Hutchinson High School Hutchinson High School Piedmont High School Piedmont High School Piedmont High School Piedmont High School Piedmont High School
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