ISBN: 978-1-60003-774-0
Type: One Act
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Shopping, Decisions, Marketing
Duration: 30 minutes
Speaking Cast: 2-3 females, 1 male, 1-4 either (4-8 total cast)
Flexibility: 0-8 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: Tammy’s little cousin is turning twelve tomorrow. Tammy hasn’t been twelve for a solid four years, and she has no idea what to buy for a present, but she’s under a lot of pressure to make sure it’s something good. Now, she and her friend Owen have half an hour to figure something out before their ride picks them up from the store. Neither of them have any ideas. But other people in the store do, and they are very strange people with very bad ideas. The question is…can Tammy and Owen come up with anything better?
Benson Schools
Benson, MN
Laughlin High School
Laughlin, NV
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$7.00 $0.00
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$12.75 $0.00
eAudition Monologue
$1.99 $0.00
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$50.00 $0.00
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$30.00 $0.00
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$30.00 $0.00
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$0.30 $0.00
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