ISBN: 978-1-60003-729-0
Types: One Act, Holiday
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy
Themes: Zombies, Vampires, Twilight Zone, Manipulation, Food
Duration: 55 minutes
Speaking Cast: 9 females, 1 male, 9 either (19 total cast)
Flexibility: 0-8 extras, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: Four friends, Natasha, Nanny, Ambrose and Beatrice, live in a house in a gated community. They have some secrets: the first, that they are vegetarian Vampires in hiding from the Vamp Gang, a hungry group of blood eating Vampires. Secondly, that they have given shelter to and are hiding some wandering Zombies. Natasha, in order to protect the Zombies and anyone they might meet on the outside is determined to humanize them so that they too can live in society like she and her friends do. Teaching the Zombies etiquette, which includes things like not eating the maids Phoebe and Millicents brains, elocution lessons from Shakespeare, and kindness from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood tapes, turns out to save the day for both the recovering Vampires and the childlike Zombies. No biting, no blood, great message.
Good Hope Country Day School Kingshill, Virgin Islands CentreStage Theatre Society Kentville, NS, Canada Tuttle High School (Grades 9-12) Tuttle, OK Polo Area Community Theatre Polo, IL Infinity Middle School Aurora, CO Theatre in the Grove Forest Grove, OR
Willowside Middle School Santa Rosa, CA Twin Lakes Playhouse Mountain Home, AR Coweta HS Coweta, OK Thunder Ridge Middle School Centennial, CO Pioneer Ridge Middle School Theatre Independence, MO Shadow Ridge Middle School Thornton, CO
This play, although very funny, makes some serious points about overcoming a bad situation (Vampires eating vegetables not blood) and honors the kindness and spirit of Mr. Rogers by having the Vampires protect the Zombies. But seriously, it's funny. Using lots of physical comedy will serve the play well.
Shadow Ridge Middle School, Various scenes Shadow Ridge Middle School, Various scenes Shadow Ridge Middle School, Various scenes Shadow Ridge Middle School, Various scenes Shadow Ridge Middle School, Various scenes
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