ISBN: 978-1-60003-656-9
Type: Full Length
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Themes: Pirates, Time Travel, Women
Duration: 75 minutes
Speaking Cast: 10 females, 7 males (17 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Pirate Captain John Finch has the map to the cursed Treasure of Captain Kidd. He and his misfit crew of lady pirates...yes, ladies...must find the treasure, as Pirate Captain Mintel is hot on their trail. Captain Mintel boards Captain Finch’s ship to steal the map but ends up crossing swords with Bobby Ann. Bobby Ann manages to win the fight but Captain Mintel swears he will return and take the treasure and Bobby Ann’s Medallion. Will Captain Finch and Bobby Ann find the treasure of Captain Kidd? Will they be able to break the curse before Captain Mintel shows his face again?
Pittsville Elementary School
Pittsville, WI
Verndale Schools
Verndale, MN
Nw drama
Mellette, SD
Custer High School
Custer, SD
Crawford Public Schools
Crawford, NE
Ridge View High School
Holstein, IA
"I always wanted to do a pirate play (because our mascot is a pirate) and I loved that most of the pirates were girls. My husband built me the Black Madness and the kids had a blast sword fighting and running around the ship. This play is great for all grades with larger parts for upperclassmen and smaller parts for the middle schoolers. We did this play in 2021 so I got permission for my kids to wear face shields instead of face masks and, most of the time, people didn't notice them since they could see their facial expressions."
By Kelly Youngbauer - Director - Verndale Schools
Verndale Schools, The Black Madness
Verndale Schools, Cap'n Finch chews Squeaker because they had no crew.
Verndale Schools, Sally and Tom play pirates.
Verndale Schools, Sally gets carried away when dueling Tom.
Verndale Schools, Hector defeats Squeaker in Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Verndale Schools, Stick out your chest... oops, maybe not!
Verndale Schools, Allie and Callie fighting.
Verndale Schools, The crew points out that is was Squeaker who told about the treasure.
Verndale Schools, Bobby Anne proves her worth by defeating Cap'n Mintel.
Verndale Schools, Cap'n Finch duels Bobby Anne.
Verndale Schools, Tom is hungry but Sally wants to look around the ship.
Verndale Schools, The men try to beat the ladies at loading cannons, but fail.
Verndale Schools, Squeaker raises the sails.
Verndale Schools, Mintel asks Bobby if she has feelings for Finch.
Verndale Schools, Mintel hits the Black Madness with a cannon ball.
Verndale Schools, Sally takes down Mintel and retrieves the medallion for Bobby Anne.
Verndale Schools, Squeaker gets into trouble with the ladies.
Verndale Schools, Bobby Anne and Finch vow revenge on Mintel.
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$9.00 $0.00
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$16.75 $0.00
eAudition Monologue
$1.99 $0.00
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$65.00 $0.00
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$50.00 $0.00
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$50.00 $0.00
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$0.50 $0.00
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