ISBN: 978-1-64479-035-9
Type: Monologue
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Homeless, Literature, Conflict
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 either (1 total cast)
Flexibility: gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: After realizing that an incredibly long nose hair and a disgustingly forceful sneeze elicit strong reactions from other people, a hilariously self-absorbed person believes they have achieved awesomeness by being appalling. When a loud belch gets them kicked out of the library forever, it seems like the pinnacle of accomplishment. But is life really as magnificent as it seems? Could a downside exist to being Appalling, Yet Awesome?
Castlewood High School
Castlewood, VA
RTR High School
Tyler, MN
Petersburg High School
Petersburg, VA
MMS Theatre Director
Harlingen, TX
Eden Prairie Central Middle School
Eden Prairie, MN
Haines Drama, Debate, Forensics
Haines, AK
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