ISBN: 978-1-93100-086-4
Type: Monologue
Genre: Drama
Themes: Illness, Death, Inspirational
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 either (1 total cast)
Flexibility: gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: A cancer patient bemoans the isolation of his disease. Yearning to break the tension that pervades his room, he invokes the spirit of Groucho Marx to amuse himself and his angelic nurse. A dramatic monologue that demonstrates the passion of those who sometimes get written off as "goners."
Jerome High School Jerome, ID Aberdeen School District Aberdeen, SD USD 489 Hays, KS school Rancho Cordova, CA Community School of Excellence Eagan, MN Lakeside Lutheran High School Lake Mills, WI
SHHS Johnson City, TN Vel Phillips Memorial Madison, WI TWHS Theater The Woodlands, TX Lakeview HS Jackson Center, PA Froid Public School Froid, MT Sabetha High School Drama Sabetha, KS Shiner Catholic School Shiner, TX Kulm High School Kulm, ND New Mark Middle School Kansas City, MO ottawa high school ottawa, IL BrookHill School Tyler, TX Brookville High School Lynchburg, VA New Bloomfield High School New Bloomfield, MO Fair Grove Schools Fair Grove, MO Jefferson City High School Jefferson City, MO ROUND LAKE ARE SCHOOL DISTRICT ROUND LAKE, IL Fargo DAvies Fargo, ND Halstead High School Halstead, KS Trinity Catholic High School Hutchinson, KS Cedar Catholic High School Hartington, NE Browning Public Schools Browning, MT Student Sydney, Australia Saint Johns School San Juan, PR BISD Purchasing Borger, TX Cotter High School Winona, MN Long County High School Ludowici, GA St Aloysius College Milsons Point, Australia Moravia High School Speech Moravia, IA Barbara Bush Middle School San Antonio, TX Crookston High School Crookston, MN Homer school speech Homer, NE NA Milwaukee, WI Olympia CUSD 16 Stanford, IL Speech and Drama Chester, MT
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