ISBN: 978-1-93180-509-4
Type: One Act
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Politics, Debate & Forensics, Conflict
Duration: 35 minutes
Speaking Cast: 15-30 either (15-30 total cast)
Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: A character steps onto a bare stage and stares, puzzled, at a spot above and behind the audience. Another character joins her and asks, "What are you looking at?" So begins Politricks, a humorous but thought-provoking look at the evolution of politics. While the two agree they see something, they argue over the nature of what they see. Others enter and are persuaded, by various means, to join sides. Eventually, the original point of disagreement gets lost; by the screaming climax of the play, opposing sides know only one thing: that their side is good and right, and the other side is evil and wrong. Without sets, costumes or numerous props, Caution: Politricks prompts both immediate entertainment and long-lasting questions that will keep your audience talking for hours after the curtain has closed.
Adair-Casey Guthrie Center Schools
Guthrie Center, IA
Fayette Local Schools
Fayette, OH
Nicolet High School
Glendale, WI
Noble High School
North Berwick, ME
McMichael High School
Mayodan, NC
The Covenant Preparatory School
Kingwood, TX
"Very relevant topic in today's political climate and the audience roared with laughter. It was a huge success."
By Jim DeRouen - Director - Wunderlich Intermediate
"With a timely topic and a funny script, Caution: Politricks is a great show to produce with high school students. More than just a good time, the play has something to say to its audience.\r\n\r\n"
By Sara Holland, Springgrove High School, Springgrove, MN
"…seamlessly weaves a complex idea into a fun, exciting show. The audience leaves enriched and thoughtful, while still having a blast.\r\n\r\n"
By Stephanie Stocks, Teacher/Speech Coach, West Delaware Schools, Manchester, IA
Product Price Qty Total
$7.00 $0.00
Notebook Script
$12.75 $0.00
Performance Royalty
$50.00 $0.00
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$30.00 $0.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights
$30.00 $0.00
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$0.30 $0.00
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