ISBN: 978-1-60003-519-7
Type: Full Length
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Crime, Detectives/Sherlock Holmes, Death
Duration: 105 minutes
Speaking Cast: 3 females, 3 males, 11 either (17 total cast)
Flexibility: 0-10 extras, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: The world’s greatest detectives are invited to the mansion of Virgil Clemons to solve a murder. Each of the detectives’ assistants is missing one of the five senses. During the night, there are several murder attempts which are thwarted by the lack of one of the senses. Then, during a blackout, the host is murdered. But who is the murderer? The audience is then sent on a “Clue Quest” throughout the school to gather clues in order to solve the mystery.
Aurora Christian School Aurora, IL Camden County Historical Society Llinn Creek, MO highlands high school natrona heights, PA Bangor High School Bangor, MI Citurs Hill High School Perris, CA John Glenn High School Westland, MI
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