ISBN: 978-1-60003-530-2
Type: One Act
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Debate & Forensics, Acting Experience & Theatrics, Life Lessons & Experiences
Duration: 30 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 male, 5-30 either (6-31 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Any worthwhile school play needs to teach some kind of lesson, right? When the curtain rises, the cast proudly announces that the lesson of this show is right there in the title. How to Mess Up Pretty Much Anything. But when the principal phones in and demands a more socially uplifting theme, no one has any ideas. So the actors plunge ahead with the original plan, frantically exploring random and outlandish scenarios as they try to figure out a way they can hold on to their original lesson and win the principal's approval before they get kicked off the stage!
Lawrence Central High School Indianapolis, IN Thompson Public School Thompson, ND Winslow High School Drama Winslow, ME StageDoor Theatre Conifer, CO Don Bosco Gilbertville, IA Starmont CSD Arlington, IA
Somersworth High School Somersworth, NH Telfair County High School McRae-Helena, GA MACCRAY Public Schools Clara City, MN Henry School Henry, SD TLMHS Speech and Drama Turtle Lake, ND Owen-Withee School District Owen, WI Florence High School Drama Florence, WI Jesup High School Speech and Drama Independence, IA SAM HOUSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL IRVING, TX Sonoran Science Academy Tucson, AZ Heritage Middle School Deltona, FL Grant-Deuel School Revillo, SD Fox Ridge Middle School Aurora, CO Dreher High School Columbia, SC Hettinger School Hettinger, ND
Madison Academy, Huntsville, Alabama. Madison Academy, Huntsville, Alabama.
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