ISBN: 978-1-61588-106-2
Type: Full Length
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Teen Experience, Dating
Duration: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 13 females, 11 males (24 total cast)
Flexibility: 20 extras, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: Monica likes Jason, Jason likes Erika, Andrea likes Reilly, Reilly is clueless, and they’re all overwhelmed by too much homework, too many tests, pop quizzes, and teachers with nothing better to do than assign essays. And, unless they have good grades, the principal is going to cancel the Sixteenth Annual Super Sweetheart’s Dance Extravapalooza - the biggest social event of the year!
The students decide that if they can just get their single teachers to fall in love, they will end up with less homework, their grades will improve, and everyone will get to attend the Dance-a-palooza! Unfortunately, it’s one disaster after another until the students realize that love is not something that can be manufactured and manipulated with love letters, poems, potions, or any other magic except the genuine magic that comes from the heart.
Millburn Middle School
Lindenhurst, IL
Space Center Intermediate
Houston, TX
St. Patrick High School
Biloxi, MS
Cary High School
Cary, NC
RDMS Drama Club
River Edge, NJ
Savannah Middle School
Savannah, MO
The play is based loosely upon Much Ado About Nothing and A Midsummer-Night’s Dream. In Much Ado About Middle School, the students are performing DREAM, and we also have the pairing of similar characters...those who are too shy to act on their love, and those who are blinded, for whatever reason, to true love. Reilly plays Puck, the mover of action. He is capricious and funny, and the play is, ostensibly, about him and his feelings, hidden and otherwise, for Andrea.

There is an element of fantasy about the play...the Dream Scene being one, and like DREAM, often traverses the line between fantasy and reality. The scene at the end, during the play-within-a-play, Reilly breaks the barrier between what is illusion, and what is real. He has the knowledge that this is a play within a play, and that all of life is but a dream.

But, love overcomes the fantasy, and all philosophical angles. This is, after all, a play about love and its many guises. Reilly is, at the end, unmasked, and allows himself to feel untethered by anything other than his true feelings for Andrea.

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