ISBN: 978-1-60003-968-3
Type: One Act
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Fairy Tale, Royalty, Science & Math
Duration: 35 minutes
Speaking Cast: 7 females, 3 males, 4-7 either (14-17 total cast)
Flexibility: 2-10 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: Prince Prescott is a bibliophile who takes little interest in princely pursuits, much to the chagrin of Queen Edwina and King Cranston. His parents consult a myriad of magical advisors including a trio of eccentric wizards about his reading malady, but to no avail. When his parents plan to send Prince Prescott to Fairy Godmother's Finishing School to be instructed in charm, fashion, etiquette, archery, and fencing, Prince Prescott runs away to the only place he thinks he'll be safe from princely pursuits; a dragon's lair. There, he becomes the public relations manager for Darla, a dragon who loves a good bedtime story. Can a vicious dragon attack on the village by Draco the dragon, help bring Prince Prescott and his family back together?
McPherson County Schools Tryon, NE
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