ISBN: 978-1-61588-355-4
Type: One Act
Genres: Comedy, Classics
Themes: Fairy Tale, Classic Adaptations, Bullying
Duration: 50-60 minutes
Speaking Cast: 3 females, 3 males, 9-16 either (15-22 total cast)
Flexibility: 0-10 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: Higgelty and Piggelty are two devil may care pigs who spend their days avoiding work. When they are joined in the pen by a third pig, Hamlet, who is a truffle pig and talks funny (many of his lines are from Shakespeare, the rest are in Shakespearean style), life changes drastically on the farm. Things change even more when Buzz the Turkey Buzzard convinces Rolf, a tender-hearted and lonely wolf, to become "Biggity Bad" and capture the pigs. Run for your life chases plus a surprise ending make this a wonderful show for kids.
Backstage Breckenridge Theater Breckenridge, CO Twin Lakes Playhouse Mountain Home, AR Holmes Community College Goodman, MS Jesters at Lakewood Theater Skowhegan, ME Carroll Community College Westminster, MD Tanque Verde High School Tucson, AZ
Didsbury High School Didsbury, AB, Canada La Farge High School La Farge, WI James Valley Christian School Huron, SD Greenbrier Public School Greenbrier, AR St. Mary School Aberdeen, WA Union Colony Schools Greeley, CO Chiefland Middle High Scool Chiefland, FL Fort Cahoun High School Fort Calhoun, NE St. John LaLande Blue Springs, MO Timberview Middle School Colorado Springs, CO TF South High School Lansing, IL
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