ISBN: 978-1-60003-913-3
Type: One Act
Genres: Drama, Classics
Themes: Classic Adaptations, Politics, Legends & Myths
Duration: 30 minutes
Speaking Cast: 2 females, 1 male (3 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Ismene Kadmos comes from a family that's famous for the wrong reasons – her father was Oedipus Rex! She has tried to re-define herself as a reporter on Thebes TV. But her radical sister Antigone wants Ismene to help stand up to their Uncle Kreon, who is stealing elections, Antigone says. Bob, Ismene's boss, tells her that good reporters cooperate with people in power, to get access. Ismene has always been quieter than her sister, but maybe Antigone is right; maybe everyone sees them as celebrity freaks anyhow, and a good journalist should make trouble.... Antigone gets radical, and Ismene doesn't join her. Bob arranges a press conference for Ismene to talk about a new way to "adjust" the exit polls – and Ismene has a big choice to make, when it comes to what she'll say.
Drama-Works Boca Raton, FL
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