ISBN: 978-1-60003-908-9
Type: Full Length
Genre: Comedy
Themes: History, Play Within A Play, War
Duration: 75 minutes
Speaking Cast: 3-4 females, 3 males (6-7 total cast)
Flexibility: doubling possible
SYNOPSIS: Six students have been forced to work together to portray the Revolutionary War in a series of skits. Leonard is a smart guy. Sure, he might be a little obsessed with his grades, but that can only work to their advantage, right? But with a ditz, a feminist, a conspiracy theorist, a slacker, and an internet obsessed freshman working against him, he might have a little trouble keeping everyone on track. From a gun toting Martha Washington to Alien invasion plots, this play is full of hilarious fun, and maybe a just little historical information, too.
River Side High School Basin, WY
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