ISBN: 978-1-60003-480-0
Type: Duet
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Movies, Film & Television, Work, Love & Romance
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 male, 1 either (2 total cast)
Flexibility: gender flexible
SYNOPSIS: A young high school camera man, Bob, is filming an extras scene on a Hollywood movie. As everything goes wrong, the director William has a meltdown while Bob gains in confidence and gets the girl.
Woonsocket School District 55-4 Woonsocket, SD Lakeview Speech and Debate SANDY LAKE, PA West Central School District Hartford, SD Tex Hill San Antonio, TX Wilmot High School Wilmot, SD WHS speech williston, ND
Kent School Kent, CT Robinson Middle School Plano, TX Watkins Middle School Houston, TX Bruning-Davenport High School Bruning, NE Central Middle School Eden Prairie, MN Randall High School Amarillo, TX Holcomb High School Holcomb, KS Trinity Catholic High School Hutchinson, KS ridgway high school ridgway, CO Stroud High School Stroud, OK Evans High School Evans, GA Parish Episcopal School Dallas, TX Arapahoe Public School Arapahoe, NE Leyton High School Dalton, NE
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