ISBN: 978-1-60003-462-6
Type: Monologue
Genre: Drama
Themes: Music, Death, Inspirational
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 either (1 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: Sara died in a car crash. Miraculously, the doctors brought her back. After months in a coma, she awoke a crippled, child-like shadow of her former self, and died again eight years later without ever having fully recovered. Asked to sing at Sara’s funeral, one of her caregivers shares a powerful, moving story of burdens, miracles, and love.
Pierce High School
Waunakee Forensics
Waunakee, WI
Clearwater, KS
Fulton High School
Fulton, IL
MLS Mohall Public School
Sherwood, ND
Hugoton High School
Hugoton, KS
"This monologue is a powerful drama for teens about the dangers of drinking and driving. It speaks to them rather than at them. A great piece to help a beginning dramatist stretch their acting skills."
By Katherine Kager - director - Chippewa Speech Department
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