ISBN: 978-1-60003-440-4
Type: Duet
Genre: Drama
Themes: Homeless, Social Issues, Social Status
Duration: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male (2 total cast)
SYNOPSIS: William has a good job, money, food, clothes and a roof over his head; he can take care of himself and can't imagine it being otherwise. Maddie, who had a job, a house, a car, and a cat, is homeless; her job and her money are gone and she knows all too well how easy it is to end up on the street. She sits quietly at the entrance to a metro station in Washington, D.C. seeking spare change and is invisible to most who pass by on their way into or out of the station, including William – until one day... Off the Grid addresses living without a net in America and our responsibility to one another.
PHS Speech, Drama and Debate Livingston, MT Mandan High School Mandan, ND West Lyon Speech Inwood, IA Drama Club Richmond Hill, GA Bob Jones School Madison, AL Chase High Speech and Debate Forest City, NC
Mound Westonka HS Mound, MN Hoven School District 53-2 Hoven, SD 1954 SOUDERTON, PA Tex Hill San Antonio, TX individual Alexandria, LA Seneca High School Seneca, IL Youngsville High School Youngsville, PA Frenship High School Wolfforth, TX The Crefeld School Philadelphia, PA Manual High School Forensics Peoria, IL Plainfield Central High School Plainfield, IL LHS Speech Team Lemont, IL Highland Park High School Topeka, KS Miami High School Miami, OK Acadiana High School Lafayette, LA Romeoville High School Speech Team Plainfield, IL Warren Hills Regional High School Washington, NJ The Alden Theatre Mclaine, VA Kulm Speech Coach Kulm, ND Self Hope mills, NC Mount Sacred Heart School San Antonio, TX Rice Lake High School Rice Lake, W, WI Abilene High School Abilene, KS Limon High School Limon, CO Bethel College Mishawaka, IN Milbank Schools Milbank, SD Quesnel Jr. Secondary Quesnel, BC, Canada Farmington High School Farmington, MN West Fargo High School West Fargo, ND SHS Auditorium Sterling, IL Solebury School New Hope, PA El Dorado High School El Dorado, KS Canyon ISD Warehouse - Randall HS Amarillo, TX
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