Frequently Asked Questions
I have questions about the Broadway Series, where can I find those answers?
How can I order one of your plays?
How can I pay for my order?
I need my order as soon as possible. How do I request expedited shipping?
How can I make changes to an order before it is shipped?
Why haven’t you shipped my order of scripts?
We have decided not to perform the play we ordered. Can we return the scripts?
I did not receive my digital script!
Can I purchase an eScript or download copy of a ten minute monologue, ten minute duet, ten minute skit & play, or skit & play collection?
What is a royalty and when do I have to pay it?
A royalty grants you permission to use and perform a playwright’s work and is the author’s primary source of remuneration for the use of their property. A Performance Royalty must be purchased anytime a Work is performed, regardless of audience size, admission price, or venue. Royalty payments are due one week prior to your first performance, at which time you will be given permission to go ahead with your production.
I have a very small budget. Can I purchase just one script and photocopy it for my cast?
Can I alter the play I have purchased for my performance?
What are Limited Video Rights?
What are Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights?
Approved Streaming Services
What are "Extra Streams"?
Fax: 319-368-8011
P.O. Box 248
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406
© 2025 Brooklyn Publishers