Sandra de Helen

Sandra de Helen is a Portland playwright whose plays have been performed locally at Coho Theatre, Portland State University, Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, Artists Repertory Theatre, and Readers Theatre Repertory among others. Nationally and internationally, audiences in NYC, Chicago, Ireland, and the Philippines have been entertained and challenged by Sandras provocative writing. Sandra studied with Maria Irene Fornes, and with Matt Zrebski. With Kate Kasten, Sandra co-founded Actors Sorority, a womens theater company in Kansas City, Missouri. Later Sandra founded the Portland Womens Theatre Company. And she is a founding member of Penplay a group of playwrights and screenwriters dedicated to developing the new work of multicultural voices. Sandra also appears as an actress and director, locally. In writing, Sandra often explores her mid-Missouri roots. Sandra writes, With these plays and monologues, I hope to preserve a way of speaking that is fading away. By the time my grandchildren have grandchildren people wont talk like that anymore. Sandra is a member of the Dramatists Guild.

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