Ryan Armstrong

Ryan Armstrong
Ryan Armstrong is a published and working playwright. Some of his published plays include Al Was Right, The Rain Problem, The Neighborhood Vs The Squirrels, and the Bees. He has had several other plays produced throughout the United States. His play Rabbit on to Print was produced through a podcast of radio theater by Borderless Theatre Company in 2021. His play The United Federation Alliance of Merry Men was produced in London by Creo Theatre in March 2022 and by Manchester ADP at the Hope Mill Theatre in May. His play Like a Cow in India, And Other Crimes was a finalist in the 2023 Scenesaver Just Write competition and read at The Drama Studio London. He is the author of a historical mystery entitled The Dead of Denver City and has other writings published in books and newspapers. His play Stabbing People Behind an Arras When You Don't Know Who They Are is a winner in the 2022-2023 Central PA Playwriting Festival.

Visit Ryan Armstrong's web page: http://writerryanarmstrong@instagram.com
Plays by Ryan Armstrong with Brooklyn Publishers:
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Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406
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