Lorraine Thompson

Lorraine Thompson holds a B.A. degree in Education from Auburn University of Montgomery and an M.F.A. in Theatre from The University of Georgia. From September to May, Ms. Thompson heads the Drama Department and teaches middle school and upper school drama at Athens Academy. During the summer months, Ms. Thompson works as a professional actress. Her credits include The Highlands Playhouse, The Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre, the Appalachian Educational and Historical Society, and The Merry-Go-Round Playhouse. She has studied at the Utah Shakespeare Festival and the Georgia Shakespeare Festival. She is a member of the Educational Theatre Association. In addition to "Doctor Sooney's Medicine", her other published plays include "Storyville" and "Storytime Big Top". She has also published adaptations of "Tartuffe", "The Way of the World", and "The Romancers".

Plays by Lorraine Thompson with Brooklyn Publishers:
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